Make a Donation
How Your Gift Supports FOA
As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, FOA depends on public and private support to fulfill our mission. Your tax deductible contribution will help the organization build a sustainable future and continue our important work of preserving the legacy of the Allensworth Township. Your gift will help support:
Annual Cultural and Educational Events
Culturally Focused Educational Curriculums
Research of Historical Allensworth: People & Town
Partnerships with Interstate Agencies that Enhance the Knowledge of FOA
Sponsoring Community Engagement Events Outside of CASHP( Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park)
Ways to Give
Annual gifts have immediate benefits to FOA and can be made in a variety of ways:
To make a cash contribution, please send your check to:
Friends of Allensworth
Attn: Development Department
10205 Rio Del Mar Dr.
Bakersfield, CA 93311
Credit Cards
Make a contribution directly and securely with a major credit card through PayPal, or over the phone. Contact the Development Department at or 877-245-6232.
Matching Gifts
Many companies match their employees’ gifts to qualified arts organizations. Please obtain a matching gift form from your employer and send the completed form to:
Friends of Allensworth
Attn: Development Department
2400 March Ave
Bakersfield, Ca 93313
Tax Statement
FOA is a nonprofit organization exempt from income tax under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. FOA is supported by its members; individual contributors; corporate and foundation support; federal, state and city government grants.
Thank you to our Partners and Donors!

California Department of Parks and Recreation
Allensworth Progressive Association
Kings County
Frito Lay
Wonderful Fruit Co
San Joaquin Valley Delta Sigma Theta Inc
Time Exchange Investment Corp
Sams Club
Home Depot
Delta Sigma Theta San Joaquin Valley Chapter
Jere Runciman: In memory of Kyle Runciman and Jessica VaVerka
Heidi Dodsworth-Glazier Anna Murphy
Kori Kelly
LaTisha Johnson
Joseph Silveira
Keith Sheffield
Regina Clayton
The Village Method
Network For Good
Yoseph Israel
Shirlena Nadsady
Richard Smurthwaite
Barbara Rousey
Mekela Edwards
Douglas Knowling
Mukulla Godwin
Norma Jean Ringold
Penny Eldridge Singleton
Karlynne Utterback
Amazon Smile
Michael Wright
Shirlena Nadsady
James and Lynn Olson